Friday, August 11, 2006

Mi...Mi...Miiiiiiiii ( A Post About My Life)

As I sit here playing my first Sit 'n' Go of the Day, I come to realize that it's about darn time I wrote a REAL posting. Not a post where I just slap up a few Florida pics and call it good. (Though you have to admit, they were cute, weren't they?) By the way, here's an interesting fact: my Pictorials received hardly a comment (save the stupid Soliciting Comment- HOW AND WHY DO THEY DO THAT???). Yet my written posts always attract attention. Hmmmm...perhaps I should have been a Journalist, no?? Heehee

There are so many things on my mind right now. I'm sure I won't remember them all. Most of them are probable events of the future. Some are scheduled to happen, and one is not about me, but still gives me the chills. Let's start with that one. My friend's husband just sent out an email letting everyone know he is being shipped to Kuwait for 6 Months. He's been in 24 years, is ready to retire (he has actually submitted the paperwork), and they are sending him now. I fear for him; I can not imagine what my friend must feel like. And then on the selfish side I think to myself "This is why I am glad that my husband sits in a Submarine all day." Art will never be sent to the middle of the desert to fight a battle. His battles are launched from the middle of the water. So, for the months to come, my prayers and thoughts will be with this man, until the day he comes home safely.

Speaking of home, the home improvements are coming along well. We are now kicking it into high gear, preparing for a possible transfer. We are finishing up the bathroom (you'll all have to come see it!!!) and then I have a list of upkeeps/fixings to do in all the rooms. We want to sell the house when we transfer; the neighbor who is helping to do the bathroom is also selling at about the same time. He wants to see if a contractor buddy of his will buy both our lands together, to put in more townhouses like they have going up down the street. Those townhouses are going for 199,999 to 239,999 right now. We're hoping we can get somewhere in the middle of that. But the sad part is if a contractor bought our house, they'd tear it down...and all our work would be for naught!

Well, where will we transfer, you ask??? Right now, Art has orders submitted for Bangor, Washington. Sooooo far away! I'm already sad about missing everyone!!! But it's good because he'll be on a more set schedule, only 3 months out at a time instead of 6. And I've heard that Seattle is fun...We'd be buying a new car when we got out there...a Mini SUV type. I've read that the Toyota Highlander Hybrid is the top SUV Hybrid pick. We also like the Honda Pilot and the Saturn Vue. Any suggestions out there???

So, yes, there's a lot going on around here, all in the works. There's more too but the biggest weight on our minds is selling the house and moving away. Oh boy, you gotta love Navy Life!!!


Blogger Sara said...

We moved every 3-4 years, yes gotta love the Navy life. Matty updated me about all this the other week, Wow what a change of pace though and I can only imagine what momma Standring is saying. Oh well, no one can please everyone at one time. Even if the work around the house is for nothing, jsut remember the money you will get and the place you can buy (money trumps all right lol!). My sis had a Highlander and hated it, havent heard anything about the other vehicles, but that is what i have for ya (something right). Okie, guess I am back to my thing here...yes the pics were fantab :)

Sunday, August 13, 2006 8:37:00 PM  
Blogger BonnieJean said...

so osad about the moving :o( your mom just told me! well good luck with everything. i heard hybrids are good.. thats all i got hehe.well def miss having you visit so often, but maybe well com visit like once haha.. and i loved the pictures! :o)

Monday, August 14, 2006 6:45:00 PM  

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