Friday, September 08, 2006

I Need a "Thinking Chair"

It seems that Fate, or God, or other Super-Natural forces are trying to tell me that Art and I are not thinking enough. When it comes to this whole changing Commands deal, it would seem that there are many factors we have left up in the air. Many important factors. And every which way we turn, someone is asking us the same questions. Which makes me wonder: Why didn't we think of that before??

Let's make a list of all those factors, shall we? (I heart lists!)

1. The baby's official due date is April 17th. We are due to transfer at the end of February into March sometime. So, I will not be able to deliver the baby with the doctor that I love so much. She seemed very distraught over this, and even suggested that I stick around, possibly stay with my parents, and she will induce labor in the 39th week so that I will have the baby here.

2. If I do follow the above plan, Art will have to schedule the time off of work. And, we will have to travel 3 hours back to New York (if that is where we end up...) with a Newborn. And a 2 1/2 year old.

3. If I do not follow the above plan, and we do move to New York, I may not have developed a network of immediately local friends that I can lean on for help by the time the baby comes. My fear is that a second baby is harder than a first. Having James barely put a dent in our home routine. It may have changed our social life, but our home routine barely felt a ripple. I fear that a second baby will cause much more upheaval. Not only will I have left my friends behind, but I wont have any family around either. Art's leave will only be for two weeks, tops. What happens after that?

4. Will we even get to go to New York? Although I was at one point OK with Washington, what happens if I really do have to go out there? Am I really ready for that mentally, now?

5. Wherever we go, it means we have to sell the house. The Realtor wants us to put it on the market September 20th. That means there are so many details to fix in the house, it takes all my First Trimester energy just to do it. You best believe I have a list goin' on for all the tasks to be accomplished!

6. Putting the house on the market means giving up all our weekends at home. We're going to have to pack up and run out every time someone wants to see the house. Not looking forward to that, dragging James around all day during nap time and what-not. Plus, during shift work, Art is on Mid-Shift, which means he'll have to leave the house during the time he's supposed to be sleeping.

7. By putting the house on the market on the 20th, we risk actually selling it that quickly. Then, where do we live until the end of February?

8. Art doesn't really have his orders yet. If we sell the house before he gets his orders, what happens if he never gets them? We can't quite go and buy a house in New York without REALLY knowing if we are going there. Right now, we don't really know. So buying a house there would be a big mistake.

The way I have been dealing with this is pretty much by using the Ostrich Method. I'm putting my head in the sand and figuring if I can't see it, then it can't see me. In 10 days, that method is not going to work so well.

I don't really know what the answer is to any of my ponderings are. I suppose one thing to do would be to write down a response to every scenario, with the Pros and Cons. At least if I prepare myself for any possible outcome, nothing will be too daunting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right! Be like me make a list figure out every possiblity! You should be done with it by Say Oct 13th ;) That way you tried BUT it moved to fast MUCCH MUCH better then the whole head in sand thing!
Lets think this way AND YES IM A GUY I THINK LIKE A GUY! A doctor is a Doctor is a Doctor all they have to know is how to say push. THANK GOD you are having no complications (knock knock knock) so ANY Doctor can do it. There is nothing "Special" to know.
Now lets see moving hmmm moving well um moving I dont know what to do there! I think at this point you have moved more then me so I would have to lean on you here. What I do know is DO A HOME INSPECTION! and well DO A HOME INSPECTION!!! Dont end up like a certain someone ah heck my sister in-law who got the royal piggin on her house for not doing one now found out she cant use her bathroom the kitchen has water damage the basement has damage the wiring sucks (trust me I had to redo things), the column in the house is cocked (and yes i wish i had been dealing with the in-laws!) Now so back to you. Trust me it is not easy growing up like we did and now having no family. No hey Mom can you watch the kids Hey dad can you help me. Hey Sis lets go shoot pool while mom watches the kids and dad finishes up doing my work! But I guess thats life. Oh and um Heyy Bro....Bro? Bro? yeah thats about right! One last thing and yes i know I didnt actually help you with any questions! If you buy your thinking chair dont jump on it it will pop! Well Mi'a did....(Hey I ramble like my wife GOOD GOD I hope I am not being asimelated (sp) ITS NOT FUTILE ITS NOTS!!!!)

Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah MATTY Wrote below!

Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DAMN! I thought it would go on top TRY ABOVE MATTY WROTE ABOVE!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:21:00 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

like how helpful my darling husband is. lol. i would wait a bit longer to put the house on the market, you never know which way your orders are going to go (i remember my parents having two mortgages several times in the navy), not the best of fun, but the orders were always changed in one form or another. crazy. i hear you on the motivation, moving, packing, pregnant kid thing. i dont envy you at all, but we can always try and help in anyway we can. if you like you doctor that much then stay home and deliver in the area, then go. i know it is hard to think about, but the small sacrifices now make the difference later. i would stay behind and in a comfort zone, pregnancy and moving and hormones..all mixing about..staying back would make it easier i think. the drive back home with an infant and toddler isnt as stressful as delivering in an unknown area, having no newok of support, trying to settle into the new home. i dunno, thats my 25 cents lol. whatever you decide is the best decision for you, dont second guess yourself and dont overwhelm yourself either. "this too shall pass" XOXOXO

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 7:18:00 AM  

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