Saturday, March 18, 2006

Workout, Schmerkout

I can't get off my fat lazy butt.
The left side cushion of my couch is severely worn out.
I have a real problem here.
I REALLY need to get myself in shape. I want to win the Family Fatty Challenge. I have lost 10 lbs. Well, it may have gone back down to 9 after yesterdays Belgian Waffle, Chinese Food & Girl Scout Cookies. But still, 9 lbs in 4 weeks is pretty darn good for someone approaching 30. It doesn't excuse the fact that I need to exercise, however. What good is losing 30 lbs for the summer when your body just hangs there because all you've managed to do is lose fat, and not gain muscle? Now, I know I'll never make it to the size 8 my S-I-L already is, but a fit and trim size 14 is ok for me!

I'm never going to get there at this rate though. My obsession with Online Poker is dragging me down! Let me put it out there that before I began playing for $$, I did do my research. I compiled my own study file from various Hold 'Em websites. I studied that stuff for a week, while letting my $20 Bodog deposit clear so that when I win, I can take the money right out. I am not bragging when I say this, I am simply letting you know that much to my houses' and my body's detriment, my studying has paid off. Just last night I doubled my $20, even considering the fact that I took $10 in the middle to play the stupid-yet-so-addictive Video Poker. Right now, I am playing as I type this (WAYYYY against my previous postings suggestions, I know! But I'm just so darned pressed for time I have to do it, just this once!) and I am up $8. I am about to quit because I want to get in the shower (even though I never did exercise...stupid stupid stupid!!) so that I am ready to go to the 'rents when the baby wakes up.

BTW, in my own defense, I did bathe and feed the baby, vacuum the house, empty and reload the Dishwasher, and sweep and mop the Kitchen floor before sitting down to play. All I have to do now is do the cat litter before I go. So the day isn't totally wasted.

A Poker Tip of the Day (I'm no Professional, but this has worked for me so far):

Don't be afraid to fold. Ever. Even if it's just you and the Big Blind guy, give him back his $0.50 or whatever. You don't have to stay in out of spite just because no one else did. It's not a big deal if he gets his Blind back, really. Also, if you've gone for a longshot and it comes to the River and you just didn't make it, you CAN fold. That saves you at least another two Big Blinds, if you think about the money you'd be betting in the showdown. Those two hands could be your big winners.


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