Friday, September 15, 2006

I Know Politics Bore You...

There's a reason that I do not enjoy Political Discussions. To put it plainly, the reason is this:

I have friends and I'd like to keep it that way.

But let me elaborate. The idea of a Political "Discussion" is a complete oxymoron. Nobody really "discusses" politics. What they really do is try to shove their opinion into your head and down your throat. And if you disagree, you're the BAD AMERICAN! They say things like "Well my husband serves in the military, and he's out there fighting for something he believes in, and I support him..."

Well, I support our Troops too. I support them because they dedicated their lives to our Country, and they honor that commitment to defend our Country's decisions no matter what. For that, I am grateful. If we did not support their commitment, where would they be when we really needed them???

But I do not have to support what they do just because I support why they do it. And that's why I love living in America. Because in America, I am allowed to have such an opinion. And I can't be persecuted for it. At least, not by the Government. That doesn't seem to stop the average citizen from attacking anyone who doesn't see things "appropriately".

It's like a home-grown version of Torture Methods. In order to convert you, many will speak their Political Opinion (considered "Political Fact" in their mind) with an ever-increasing volume. As if the fact that their voice being louder than mine makes me wrong. Or maybe it's the idea that if they speak louder than me, I will have no choice but to believe them. It's a twisted version of "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

If their loudest voice can't make you sway, they switch to personal attacks. They use questions like "How can you consider yourself a humane person if you let all those people suffer?" or "How can you live with yourself knowing other people do not have the same comforts and rights as you?" (And these personal attacks are the reason you lose friends when you talk Politics.)

I'd get into my own answers to the above questions, but I don't want to make this about my opinions. I just want to confirm the fact that because I am in America, I can have whatever opinion that I want. I can choose to talk about it if I want. And I do want to talk about it. If you really mean TALK. I want to sit down and exchange ideas, quips, and points of view. I want to walk away knowing that I explained some things to you and you explained some things to me. Neither one of us necessarily has to change our minds. Neither one of us has to be right. Neither one of us should make the other feel like less of a person for believing what they do.

Because here's the thing with Politics. It's all theory. How do we really know which side is right? How will we ever know? I don't think we do, or ever will. It's like Art. What you see as beautiful and inspiring, I can see as a big ol' mess. What you see as genius, I can see as ordinary.

...And neither one of us is ever really "right".


Blogger deevahgrl said...

Ooh, you're deep.

Very deep.

Good thinkin', Abe Lincoln. I appreciate your brains.

Friday, September 15, 2006 8:42:00 PM  
Blogger Sara said...


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 7:21:00 AM  

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