Friday, December 22, 2006

PC Poo-Poo

So, I was listening to the Talk Radio the other day. Rush Limbaugh, I believe. He reported on two very sad stories of Political Correctness, direct from two North-East school systems, as if that's hard to believe. (One in New York and one in Needham, MA) The stories made me shake my head and wonder what has happened to us?

Although, perhaps some readers might agree with the actions. I'll let you decide.

Ok, Story #1 from Needham...

A Mother of Three Children made a complaint to a Principal of a School in Needham. Two of her children had made Honor Roll, one had not. She complained to the principal that the publishing of the list of Honor Roll students was ruining the self-esteem of her third child. So, the Principal actually retracted the publishing of the Honor Roll List!

Story #2, from New York...

A certain bus driver in a New York School System bears a resemblance to Santa Claus. During the Holiday Season he wears a Santa Hat. (He doesn't act like Santa, he doesn't play Christmas music...he justs wears the hat) An Elementary School student told their parents, who complained to the bus company, that his bus driver was wearing a Santa Hat. The parents contended that the child did not believe in Santa and was offended by the representation the bus driver was implying. After hearing the complaint, the company requested that the driver not wear his hat, but the driver refused to comply.

Now, if you read my blog you'd have guessed already that I think these stories represent the downward spiral of the American People. I wonder, is this what our Grandparents felt when they saw the changes that were made when they were our age (a big one that comes to mind is the end of segregation)? That feeling of wondering why people can't just let things be...the feeling that people are so absorbed in themselves that they can't even see how they are ruining a wonderful tradition. Or the fact that by trying to protect their child from a "blow" to their "self-esteem", they are creating a monster???

Shouldn't you WANT your child to feel bad that he was the only one in the family that didn't make Honor Roll? Although I'm sure that this parent and their child probably have some sob story about some awful teacher that kept the child off the Honor Roll because they gave him a "C" instead of a "B", because the teacher was mean and wouldn't accept the kid's homework (Translation: It was probably like a week late or was probably done improperly, and they demanded credit anyway) Isn't this parent just teaching their children that when something doesn't go your way, it's not your fault, it's because someone else is out to get you? Is that really the attiditude we want our children to grow up with?

Now, as far as this hat issue is concerned, BAH HUMBUG on those stupid parents. Here's my theory on Christmas: It's a time to re-live the Magic of Childhood. Santa should be treated like a favorite Grandparent, who loves you no matter what and spoils you silly for no reason. He's a representation of all the good that is left in our world. He inspires generosity and compassion. Now, whther or not you see the resemblance between Santa and God (and/or Jesus), and whether or not you believe in any religion, Santa is still a cultural inspiration, not a religious icon. So it doesn't matter what religion you are. You can still celebrate the season by spreading the joy that Santa represents. Wear a Santa Hat. Play a little Holiday Music. Make some fudge, give it away. Put a few bucks in the Salvation Army Bucket. Bring a gift to Toys for Tots. I promise you, it will give you a way better feeling than making a complaint to some company about how offensive you find their Holiday Spirit. I mean, really, do you have to be so bitter?

I'm still an American at heart, though. I believe if that's how you want to feel, it's your business. You can set a Poor Example for your children, or be a Scrooge if you want. I won't stop you. But I don't expect you to try to stop me, either. This is a Free Country, where people of all different philosophies are meant to live together. And, P.S., it's a Democracy, so Majority Rules. Therefore, just because you, as one person, are upset, it doesn't mean things should change. The majority of us like it this way. If you think it's so bad here, why don't you try living somewhere else? Don't worry, when you come crawling back, we'll take you in. We're America. We're good that way.

What do you think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK...So it's worse here in the bible belt concerning santa. Some devote christians do not tell their children about santa claus because they believe that it is breaking the second commandment (thou shalt not make graven images). They also believe that the only imaginary friend a kid should have (aka easter bunnt, tooth fairy, etc) should be Jesus Christ. Halloween is also very interesting for these kids jack o lanterns because it symbalizes an ancient story of beheading people. To have little vibrant imaginations and need some fairy tales. I have yet to meet a kid that builds alters to worship santa or has turned to witchcraft after dressing up as a cowboy for halloween. PS what are the words to that song we are supposed to sing at midnight on new years????

Friday, December 29, 2006 7:37:00 AM  

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