"This Kid Is Crazy!"
That's James' new phrase. He likes to use it when he jumps off of anything higher than 12 inches. Note to those whose children have not yet reached toddler age: They hear everything you say and remember it, even if you're not talking to THEM.
Well, I have no excuse for myself. My computer has been but a mere vessel for gambling. I just keep playing, and playing, and playing...but I'm not putting any crazy amount of money in. I just keep winning my money back so I keep playing. However, that is not to say that I haven't been busy. The week before Thanksgiving, Art went "Out to Sea". Really they never left the pier but they were incommunicado. And he came back for the night on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, but in between I had been running up to my parent's house to help either my Mom or my Brother with various school assignments. Then I came home, did some cooking and cleaning there, and went back to my parent's for the Holiday. Since then, Art has been home on Leave. And, well, you know how it goes when the hubby is on vacation. It's like a tornado hits your life.
I do have news, though, for those who haven't heard it...
We're having another boy!!! The name has been mentioned in the past, not here, but personally to a lot of people. We're keeping it under wraps now. You'll have to wait for April for the next revelation.
I've set a goal for myself. All X-mas duties will be completed by The 15th. So, that means finishing all the shopping, sending out all cards, making all the fudge & sending it out and sending out all the other gifts...Given a week, I can do it! As long as I can resisit the urge to Double-Click on that little "b" icon on my desktop.
Oh, and finally, for the Pee-Ace de Resis-Tanz...
We got a "New Table" the other day.

Yay! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you, on all accounts.
I'm also glad to see you back in the blogging world. :) Now I can sleep at night.
HEY TANK! You didnt tell me about the table! How are you hiding that from Mom? Parking at Rich's and walking over?
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