Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Rock I've Been Hiding Under

It doesn't have a specific name, just a general label called "Being Busy". With what, you ask? Oh, nothing, really. Some weeks it's shopping and appointments and meetings. Other weeks it's spending time with family, taking much needed pregnancy naps, going to Birthdays or Baptisms. Then, of course, there's always the cleaning and the weekly commitments. Where does the time go??
The only time that doesn't seem to be flying is the weeks of my pregnancy. I swear, I am going to be eternally stuck in my First Trimester. Morning (or All-Day, as my hormones would have it) Sickness and Afternoon Energy Drains included. No cravings, though. Well, nothing like with James. James wanted Spicy Foods non-stop. This baby wants Filet O' Fish one week, extra sauce and pickles. The the next it's Frosted Flakes. Another week it's pasta. Strange. Yesterday was funny though. At my Grandmother's Birthday Party, I think I single-handedly devoured the plate of pickles. And not even Claussen. Just regular old Dill Pickle Spears. I wonder if anyone noticed???
Next week my Mother-In-Law is coming out from California. She says it's been about 80 all week there. And sunny. Because it's always sunny in Southern California. It really is an amazing thing, to go out there at Christmas Time, if you are a New-Englander. You've never seen anything like it! Beach weather (well, for us anyways) at Christmas!! It's going to be quite a shock coming here! Anyways, when she comes out it's going to be BUSY BUSY. We're going to the Cape (Martha's Vineyard) for two days. Probably just to stroll around and shop. When we come back it's Halloween. That's going to be fun! For Halloween, I am dressing James up as Steve from Blues Clues. He has the Green Striped Shirt and a Notebook and everything!
What I need is a Mommy Day. One day to run freely and not be called home. I'd also settle for a week where I didn't have to leave the house. Is that possible?


Blogger Sara said...

time flys. sorry to hear you are feeling so sick, it sucks big time. you do need a mommy day, one day to do it your way. i swear my one day a week saves me and makes me feel refreshed. i hope you find something, you deserve it and require it.

Monday, October 23, 2006 7:39:00 AM  

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