Thursday, January 25, 2007

I Don't Want to Talk About It

So, if you're a New Englander, or a Patriots Fan at all, you may think that I am making a delayed reference to their stunning loss this past Sunday. But I'm not. I will comment on the subject, though. At least they lost in true Patriots Style. Go Pats!!

No, no, what I don't want to talk about is far far more life altering than a Sports Event. It's a turn in the road I did not expect. At least it has not devastated me. Merely shocked me and given me just one more thing to take care of.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have found a GRAY HAIR.

Who said you had to wait to turn 30 to feel old???

Actually, the funny thing is, I don't feel old. Like I said, I feel like it's just one more thing to do: take care of my hair. Now, I HAVE to get it colored, which will involve trips to the salon every two months or what have you. It's something I have managed to avoid since having James, as it is not that easy to find the time to devote to yourself with a husband who works 12 hours+ a day. By the time he gets home, I don't want to go anywhere. I just want him to pitch in so I can sit and rest. And besides, who needs salon beautiful hair to take care of a toddler all day?? Ah well, those lazy days are over. Perhaps this will lead to a new inspiration to do all sorts of take-care-of-me things, like exercise, buy new clothes, and wear make up. There may just be a "Silver Lining" to this gray hair fiasco! (Pardon the Pun!)

P.S. Hey Matty - You no longer have to be alone in your fight against premature baldness. We shall join forces and take a stand against these crazy genetics we've inherited!!


Blogger deevahgrl said...

Where is this gray hair, exactly? Is it in a place you can tuck it under other hairs? Can't you just pluck it and ignore it until after your birthday?

I have a cute little patch of gray on the front of my head, and I refuse to dye my hair until after I turn 30. I've had this pact with myself since I found that first gray hair, and I will stick to my guns! :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 8:23:00 PM  
Blogger BonnieJean said...

well just think, you get to pamper yourself every 2 months or so.. i only wish i had this exuse to get my hair done and pay a rediculous amount of money for it.. dont think of it getting old.. your far from it! Think of it as a new you.. a new look which will come out of this :O) hope all is well everywhere else... miss u guys!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 6:50:00 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

i found some in matts beard. interesting. take some you time!!! smack smack smack. i know it is hard, believe me do i, i spend weeks alone and when matt hits the door to come in i run screaming out (usually with the kids lol). but in all seriousness, eventually the kids get a little bigger and it is easier to handle, it takes awhile but in the mean time try to find one or two days somewhere in the month to do it for yourself. we cant loose ourselves in our children, no matter how cute and impressive they are :)

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 6:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 7:40:00 AM  

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