Friday, January 05, 2007

Who Said Sitcoms Can't Be Intellectually Stimulating?

I re-heard a poignant saying on a sitcom today. ('Til Death, if you must know...)

"In every relationship, there's a gardner and a flower."

It made me wonder, of course, which one am I?

Well, as a mother, that answer is easy. But what about all the other relationships in my life? Most importantly, who am I as a wife?

And, is it really true for every relationship? What happens if two people are Gardners? Can two Flowers stay in bloom? Can there be different kinds of Gardners and Flowers? Like, what if you're a Lily Gardner and your Flower is a Rose?

It's not really better to be one or the other; that's the point of the quote, I think. Each person in a Gardner/Flower relationship just happens to assume a role. Someone nutures and someone needs nurturing.

At times I feel I am one, at times the other. On an everyday basis, I feel like a Gardner, tilling and watering and keeping the Garden growing smoothly. Yet, sometimes, I need some TLC myself. I need to feel like I have been pruned and fussed over. So, am I a Flower and a Gardner? Is that possible, or do I have to pick one?


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