Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Call Me Ice Cube...

...Because today was a good day. I feel like I had a productive day today. I answered a lot of email. I re-designed my Blog, and worked on my other pages. Have you checked them out? There's one for Baby James, one for Knitting, and one for Other Crafts (which pretty much means scrapbooking).

Speaking of Scrapbooking, as you know today was Scrapbooking Wednesday. I had planned on tearing through some pages in my album, as they are all arranged and ready, but I came across a stumbling block. My plant which I have been keeping in the middle of my table leaked ALL OVER my new page. So, all the work I had done to set it up for gluing was ruined. The paper got soaked and was sticking to the table, so that all I could do was tear it off in little pieces. My pics got wet and bled onto the half of the layout that was already done. And to top it all off, the flowers are dying anyways! I've spent all this time watering them (apparently too much) and they died anyway!

Maybe when James goes to bed, I'll try to do some re-thinking of the layout, see what I can salvage with my extra pieces of paper.

Ok, who am I kidding? I'll probably end up playing Poker. Although I am going to try desperately not to. I am having a hard time of it. I haven't quite figured out if it is me (which I am assuming it must be) or this site. Not that I think that the site is fixed. More like maybe the players are different, and the set up really affects my play. Or, perhaps its that this site ISN'T fixed, and Bodog was... But whatever the reason, I can't seem to win back that first $40 that I lost. I keep winning some and losing it, winning some and losing it. Kind of like it's the antithesis to my weight loss. Huh. Don't worry, though, the $40 that I lost wasn't really mine; it was Bonus money for joining the site. Maybe that's the reason I lost it so fast. I'll tell you, my money on Bodog never went this quick!

Oh! Before I forget, here's some Quick Links to the other parts of my Blog:

Baby James

Knitting Journal

Other Crafts


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