Monday, March 27, 2006

Good To Go

Sometimes you just have to step back and remember to appreciate life.
I used to teach High School. My friend A. and her mother told me the other day about a student that had a heart attack and passed away. Now, I never had this student. But I think that being a Mom has changed me because I still got teary-eyed thinking about his life and his family. I just can't imagine having hopes and dreams for my son and getting a call one day that ends it all. See, even right now my eyes are watering. To have to make the decision to pull the plug on my son's life is something I hope that I NEVER have to come remotely close to experiencing.

Ever since my Sisiter-In-Law lost her Brother-In-Law, only a couple of weeks ago, I have relaly been trying to find things in life to be grateful for. Lucky for me, John Corbett (of Northern Exposure & Sex In The City fame) just released a song that makes it easy for me to put my feelings into words. I can't hear htis song without crying, because in my head I am thinking of all the moments that have made my life mine. So, let me share with you my newest favorite song. You should really hear it to get the best out of it, but maybe reading the words will make you want to download the song.

This is for all those who need a reason to smile about life.

Good To Go
by John Corbett

Waitin' at a stoplight yesterday,
As a funeral procession made its way
Through the gates,
I watched it roll up a windin' road,
Through a field of green with white headstones
All in a row.
And it made me think about where I'm at,
On my not-so-straight-and-narrow path,
All the generous and mostly undeserved blessings that I've had
Had an all American mom and dad,
Some of the coolest friends you could ever have,
Found love I thought I'd never find.
I can't believe this life is mine
An' I'm not plannin' on leavin' yet,
But the truth is you just never know.
And if this is as good as it gets,
Man, I think I'm good to go.
I said a prayer for the dearly departed,
And the loved ones, left broken-hearted
An' traffic started
I drove away a little more able
To see the good things on my table.
For that, I'm grateful
Cause I've had my troubles,
I've had my trials,
I've hit the mark and I've missed by miles.
Had days when I've been fightin' mad,
But the goodtimes have more than outweighed the bad.
Got to hold my newborn baby girl,
And the hand of a man as he slipped from this world.
I've laughed so hard I couldn't stop;
Seen the sunrise from a mountain top.
An' I'm not plannin' on leavin' yet,
But the truth is you just never know.
And if this is as good as it gets,
Man, I think I'm good to go.
I've been thinkin' 'bout where I'm at,
On my not so straight and narrow path,
And I wouldn't wantta change nothin' about this
Roll-With-the-Punches life I've had.
Had an all american Mom and Dad,
Some of the coolest friends
That you could ever have,
Found love I thought I'd never find.
I can't believe this life is mine.
An' I'm not plannin' on leavin' yet,
But the truth is you just never know.
And if this is as good as it gets,
Man, I think I'm good to go.


Blogger Sara said...

Amy - "life is short", what is more simple than that? Dealing with a young persons death..right? Sorry to hear of the tragic news and we never want to think of dying young or our children dying young; it's amazing how we think of an old persons ending. Just don't stop loving your loved ones. My dad always said; dont go to bed angry, always tell your loved ones you love them and live each day as if it were your last day. It makes so much more sense to me these days.

Monday, April 03, 2006 5:10:00 PM  

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