Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Cim-isms Pt. II

I have another Cim-ism that came to mind today.

It is James' nap time, and I am playing some Poker. And knitting too. I really want to get the shrug done so I can wear it. I am almost done with the back. About 10 more rows, then onto the front, which will be about 4-6 different pieces. I made the pattern myself, so we'll see how it goes. It doesn't involve any knitting in the round, and this may cause a problem for the neck-line. We'll see.

Anyhow, the shrug is not part of the Cim-ism. The Poker, however, is. I know I shouldn't be playing Limit Hold 'Em, especially at the $.05/$.10 Tables. I know it's a suckers game, because people just call you all the way to the River, and it seems I never get to be in the Late Position, with a chance to raise and scare the suckers out. I've lost $1.50 at the table today, all with about 2-3 winning hands that I got porked out of cause someone called me to the River, because I was in early position and could only bet, not raise. The first was Trip Aces. Until the 4th Club came on the turn and some STUPID GUY was calling me all the way down and I lost. F*ckin' Guyyyyy. (Can I say that here?) The second time was my beautiful pair of Pocket Nines. Which turned into a Full House on the Turn. Again, I'm in Early Position, betting my heart away trying to get the win. And the River flops a....10....Some Jackass called me all the way to the River and caught the 10. Another F*ckin' Guyyyy.

So, to all you F*ckin Guyyyy's out there, I have one thing to say:

F*ck you, Julie!!
And that is your Cim-ism for the day.
It's one that makes me smile. Reminds me of those days in my youth that involved lots of parties and hanging out and saying stupid things. This saying in particular started as a response you gave someone when they denied you something. Like another drink. Then it evolved into something you could say anytime someone pissed you off, like the guys at the Poker Table who stole my wins. Originally, though, Julie was a bartender that cut off my cousin's 1st Husband and Friends at a bar. When she told them no, they replied "F*ck you, Julie!" In that drunk, sort of goofy way, I imagine. Nothing hostile. That's why it's funny.
Oh! Wait! I have another one to add!! My little story reminded me. I suppose it's another, less offensive form of the above statement. One that came from the same group of people, much in the same manner. Something to say when you're at a loss for words when something goes awry.
Not as exciting or random as the first, I know. But still gets me smiling when I hear it. Ahhh, those were the days...Pig Roasts and Drunken Slip & Slide and Friends on all fours Barking and Panting like Dogs. Yup. Good Times.


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