Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I have a lot of little things to say.

First, I have two new favorite foods.

1. Gnocchi
2. Capreze Salad

OMG, Gnocchi is so very yummy. It's like taking the dough from a Pierogi and Rolling it into a little ball. The other night, I boiled it up, sauteed some broccoli with garlic and EVOO (Big Ups to Rachel Raaaayyyyyy), and tossed the Gnocchi in the pan to mix it all together and blend for a bit. Even James liked it.

With Capreze Salad, I like to make it with Grape Tomatoes and a dash of Balsamic Vinegar as well. And tonight, I varied it a little by slicing the tomatoes and using it as a topping with sliced mozzarella, melted over some toasted Italian Bread. (This variation is thanks to Giada De Laurentiis, of Everyday Italian fame...I heart Food Network) I think I could eat those Mini Mozzarella Balls by the tub full. I think next time I get them, I'll just marinate them with some EVOO, Garlic, and Spices and EAT THEM ALL!

Oh, and one last thing. I knew this day/time would come, but it still is killing me. James is now at the Stage where he refuses to go to sleep at night. I start his routine, with the Ba-ba, the Flouride and Toothbrushing, changing into his PJ's, you know the whole thing. Then he gets in bed and AS SOON as we do Prayer Bunny, he starts whaling and stands up and screams and cries and won't stop. Each night this week (since Sunday Night) it has been about 15 minutes of crying before he crashes. Then, at around 2, he wakes up and won't go to sleep again for an hour. Up until tonight, we've been bringing him in our bed, but I think starting tonight I'll get him a Baba, change his diaper and put him back in bed, and see what happens. I know, you're going to tell me that I have to stick to my guns, and let him cry it out, but it is hard, because he has never done this before, he's been sleeping through the night since he was a baby, barring being ill or teething, and so this has us going crazy!!!

Oh, and it doesn't help that since he is up for an hour in the middle of the night, he now gets up at 9. Which means I get up at 9, and that's not good! Too much of the day is gone when you get up at 9. I can't believe I have to start setting an alarm...


Blogger BonnieJean said...

to much of the day is gone by 9?? oh geez i want ur life haha.. I would give ANYTHING.. and i mean ANYTHING to even sleep til 9 everyday lol..

hope everything works out with the lil man.. Im no parent so i cant give u any good advice sorry :o( but i hope it all works out so you guys get back on routine!

Good luck!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 7:29:00 PM  

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