Thursday, March 15, 2007


Yes, it's been brought to my attention that my blogging sebatical has lasted beyond the appropriate point. Blogging, I've noticed, is like trying to keep in touch with an old friend. Everyday you think about it, and mean to make the effort. Yet, every day slips by and before you know it, it's been too long.

Everyday I think of things to blog about, as I go through the day. Right now, it's only 8 AM, so nothing has occured to me today (still working on Coffee Cup #1).

Things certainly are busy 'round here. We are preparing for the baby, slowly but surely. Most of the large items have been Pine Sol ' d. All that's left is to wash the clothes twice in hot water with bleach and Oxy Clean. Then, on Monday, we hopefully find out which day our doctor would like to deliver Bundle-O' Joy-the-Second.

This weekend will probably mark our last weekend of freedom, as we have arranged for a date night on Saturday. We are probably headed to the Cinema Pub. Which reminds me, I have to go now, and check out the movie times...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Blogging Makes Me Feel Good

I may have mentioned this general topic before, as it seems to occur frequently to me. Perhaps because I am too trusting, in a way. Perhaps because I do not take care to mind the details in life. Perhaps because I assume that when I say something, people understand what I mean. Perhaps because I cannot learn my lesson about THE MAN. Oh, but I will surely try to remember my lesson from now on.

Because I have had it up to here (I say as I point to an inifinitely high place in the sky) with every single service company I've come in contact with. Most recently in the past it was the Oil Company, who happened to call and offer us a package deal on oil where we are paying some amount like $2.59 per gallon and we are pre-ordered/pre-paid until May. That was in maybe October, and wouldn't you know, not less than a week later, oil prices dropped to $1.99 per gallon. Like they didn't know that was coming. And we fell for it. Now, the advantage is that I don't have to call them all winter, although that warm spell we just had caused them to cut it pretty close (less than 1/4 tank left when they filled us....AFTER I called to ask when they were coming...we were "scheduled already" for the next day, but mysteriously enough, they didn't come until two days later...hmmm...think the truth is they forgot about us, or miscalculated our usage???). And, after May, we get back whatever part of the payment we didn't use as a credit towards our future oil purchases. If I had thought about it, I would have only agreed if we actually got the money back in pocket. After all, it's MY money. If I choose not to use it all to buy oil over the winter, I should be entitled to get MY money back. But like I said, apparently I have not been diligent enough in my thought processes as I deal with THE MAN.

My most recent encounter is with the company Metrocast. I sincerely recommend that you do not use them to receive cable or internet, if you can avoid them. They have THE SLOWEST turnaround on their payment processing. We have been paying by ECheck and it takes them more than a week to process the payment, to the point where ever since they took over, we haven't had a payment clear before they've sent the next bill out. That means every bill we have to call and ask for an adjusted due amount. How can an internet company have such slow internet payment processing? It's like an oxymoron or something.

Or, how about the fact that since they took over, our bill increased every month as prices rose, yet our service never got any better. We had the same channels as before and the same speed in our internet. Yet, prices kept creeping up (at least two bills in a row). That is what prompted Art to cancel service. Which brings me to my last point.

Tell me honestly. If you went to your cable company, turned in your boxes and remotes, & told them you were switching to Satellite (when they asked you why you were cancelling service), would you assume that you had washed your hands of the company??? Would you assume that you were no longer under their service??? Would you assume after you've literally called THREE times to get an updated due amount (because they took over two weeks to process your box return), and explained each time that you have cancelled your service and switched to Satellite, that they would get the hint that you no longer wanted any service from them? Would you assume that if they were going to continue to provide you a service, they would state such a fact, to clarify the situation???

Orrrrr do you think it makes perfect sense for Metrocast to continue to provide you with "TV Service" and just cancel your Cable account, thereby charging you 42.10 for Basic Service even though you turned in your boxes and remotes? (Oh, have I mentioned the fact that the remotes come pre-programmed and if you happen to have a two-year-old who figures out how to de-program them, they charge you $25 to replace the remote??) As the lady on the phone stated "We do not turn off your basic service when you turn in your boxes. All that does is cancel your cable service." Ok- so why didn't she mention that when I brought in the damn boxes, or one of the THREE TIMES I talked to her on the phone about my bill? Apparently, all I asked for was a "adjusted rate" for turning in the boxes, not to cancel all my service, even though I said we were cancelling our cable to get Satellite, and all we wanted to keep was Internet. But how do you prove what you "said" on the phone???

I know this is definitely worth fighting, because they are just being plain devious, sly, and downright shady by continuing to collect this "Basic Service" payment. All of this would have been avoided if I had been able to cancel everything. But my geek husband (I use the term geek with the deepest of love, seriously) insists cable modem is faster than DSL. So we just HAD to keep the Cable Internet. I think I will let him get mad at them, as I have already called enough. Besides, it wouldn't be right for me to yell on the phone at this lady while babysitting other people's children, would it???

Needless to say, from now on, I vow to keep a Notebook devoted to each contact I have with any of our service companies. I vow to think of all angles possible before agreeing to any binding contract, no matter how easy they will make my life. And I vow to make sure I make myself perfectly clear when dealing with anyone I contact, gaining receipts when possible, to have everything in writing (that is not just my Handy Dandy Notebook). Yes, tomorrow, I will head to Wal-Mart and get myself a Notebook. As I turn 30, it is about time I stop letting stupid companies pull the wool over my stupid eyes. It may be "only $80" (two months worth of bogus Basic Service) but it's MY $80, not theirs!!! Do you know what I can do with $80 on Bodog?!?!?! Hehehe...

P.S. I have a new favorite song.

"Teardrops on My Guitar" - Taylor Swift

To top it all off, theysure do make it hard to contact a Central Office, or general Customer Service.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Too Much On My Plate

I'd like to elaborate on part of my previous posting. It seems that I have put myself into a "taking on too much" situation without really realizing it. I am currently babysitting a friend's two children (a 4 year old girl and a 18 mos. old boy) on Tuesdays and Thursday, from about 1-6. At first, it hardly seemed daunting. I really felt like I was doing a favor for her, one that I would hope wold be extended to me if I ever needed it. (She is paying me, and I would pay too if it were me.)

I just never stopped to consider that, HELLO! I AM PREGNANT!!! It's been a strange pregnancy, considering that this baby has been more obvious in their presence (from my showing more to the constant movement). Yet, I feel less tied down by my pregnancy. I am less aware of my "condtion", if you will. And it leads to me doing things like agreeing to babysit without realizing the exhaustion it would cause. By the time they leave, I am ready for bed! Forget about running to the market to do grocery shopping, or vacuuming the house, or even cooking dinner. My poor husband hasn't had a real homemade dinner in months, probably since I got pregnant. Sure, I make pasta and meatballs, or tacos, or homemade pizza, but I just can't seem to get up the energy to create a real meal. You know, homemade mashed potatoes, chicken, stuffing, that sort of thing. Not that he minds. He'd be happy if we ordered out every night. Come to think of it, we did do that when we lived in Westerly. And, I was pregnant then, and working. Coincidence? Probably not. Also, it's probably not a coincidence that last time I was pregnant I gained 55 lbs.

Anyways, the point of this post is supposed to be that even though I have over-filled my plate, I am still functioning. Somehow, a representation of dinner gets on the table, the house gets cleaned, the dishes and laundry get done, and James is getting semi-potty trained. (He keeps having slip-backs but we'll get there!) It is true that no matter what you take on, you'll find a way to get through it.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Have I Told You I was Robbed?

...By Adam Vinatieri?

Yes, I know the Superbowl was "eons" ago. But give me a break, I'm a busy lady! Honestly, I know I say this all the time, but you'd never believe what can fill your day when you don't even work. The funny thing I've always noticed about life: you can always handle exactly what you put on your plate. Before, I was working and getting a Master's Degree and keeeping a house. For a short time, I was a working mom, keeping the house and taking care of James after working all day. Soon, I'll be a mother of two, whose husband is away at sea. I'll be a single mom, minus the having to work part. And at each stage of my life, I've handled (or will handle) just exactly what I've needed to. We are amazing creatues.

Anyways! I digress far too much! Back to Mr. Vinatieri and his criminal behavior. I should have known, as my Uncle Ray said, that a "Patriot" would be the one to let me down. After all, he may play for the Colts, but is he really a Colt? Hardly. It will be a bit before we stop instinctively remembering him kicking for our Good Ol' Boys. So, should I have been surprised at the end of the First Quarter, when the most capable kicker we know gave up the five yard penalty gain and deferred to a punt instead of trying for the Field Goal that would have put the score into nubmers ending in 4 & 9? (My square, in case you are confused.) And, following that disappointment, should I really have been shocked (shocked I say!!!) when he missed a piddly Field Goal I could have scored myself, that would have again put the score to numbers ending in 4 & 9??? No, probably not.

My advice to Adam: Go back to the Patriots. By your performance this past Sunday, I think we'd all say it's where you belong. C'mon, don't groan people, you KNOW he performs in true Patriots' Fashion.

By the way, do you think I could sue him for my $125??? I mean I should have won at least one of those quarters, right?!?!?

Thursday, February 01, 2007


If you're looking for some random ideas for books, music, movies, and TV, you've come to the right blog today!

I am participating in a Book Club. Over the past few months, we've read several books. Here are my favorites (I can't seem to underline on Blogger, so I've bolded the titles instead. Just in case you're wondering if I remember my proper citation...) The books are linked to their Amazon descriptions, for easy reviewing:

Pope Joan

A Redbird Christmas

One Thousand White Women

Wicked (This keeps coming up on our list, but hasn't been picked yet; I read it anyways and it's really great!)

Here are my new Music Downloads, since receiving my Christmas Gift Card..

"Red High Heels" - Kellie Pickler
"I Just Came Back (From a War)" - Darryl Worley
"Tim McGraw" - Taylor Swift
"Want To" - Sugarland
"You'll Always Be My Baby" - Sara Evans
"SexyBack" - Justin Timberlake

"Zombie Jamboree" - Rockapella (Once upon a time, in college, I was in Chorus - I know, crazy, considering I CAN'T carry a tune and I know it - and we performed this song. I started singing the chorus to James and he liked it. Now that we have it on the IPod, he asks for it EVERY TIME we are in the car!)

"The Bullet Train" - Choo Choo Soul (Again, for James, straight from the Disney Channel)

Some of these may be crass, but I still suggest them for some down time.

Jackass 2 (The crassiest of the crass.)

Clerks 2 (A great trip down memory lane.)

Match Point (Keeps you very interested.)

An American Haunting (VERRRRRY M. Knight Shalaman at the end...)

The Descent (I didn't "get" the end; it left me very unsatisfied, but maybe you can enlighten me as to why it ended that way...)

These are the shows I "can't live without", at least until they are cancelled...

Men In Trees

Gilmore Girls




Little Einstiens (Disney's answer to my prayers for 30 minutes of peace and quiet)

Blues Clues (Ditto for Nick Jr.)

There you have it. My list of entertainment choices. Try them, let me know which you like!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hey Jealousy

A friend of mine introduced me to a whole new world the other day. The world of widgets. Unfortunately for me, she has a MAC. I have a PC. (Puh-lease, as if my Computer Geek of a husband would "let" me have a MAC, despite how badly I want to be like Carrie Bradshaw.) MAC has this new platform called a "Dashboard", which I gather is like their new version of Windows. It comes complete with awesome choices for all these widgets. She has widgets for Graphic Design (her field of work), Sudoku, Astrology...all these cool things. Well, I checked for widgets for the PC. They're a pretty lame comparison! Needless to say, I am actually jealous for the first time of a MAC owner.

I do still recommend checking out the "Widget World", even if you are a PC user. If you devote time to it, you can set up some pretty neat little widgets for your IPOD and the Weather and what-not. It gives us SAHM's something to do, you know, instead of eating Bon-bons all day.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

I Don't Want to Talk About It

So, if you're a New Englander, or a Patriots Fan at all, you may think that I am making a delayed reference to their stunning loss this past Sunday. But I'm not. I will comment on the subject, though. At least they lost in true Patriots Style. Go Pats!!

No, no, what I don't want to talk about is far far more life altering than a Sports Event. It's a turn in the road I did not expect. At least it has not devastated me. Merely shocked me and given me just one more thing to take care of.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have found a GRAY HAIR.

Who said you had to wait to turn 30 to feel old???

Actually, the funny thing is, I don't feel old. Like I said, I feel like it's just one more thing to do: take care of my hair. Now, I HAVE to get it colored, which will involve trips to the salon every two months or what have you. It's something I have managed to avoid since having James, as it is not that easy to find the time to devote to yourself with a husband who works 12 hours+ a day. By the time he gets home, I don't want to go anywhere. I just want him to pitch in so I can sit and rest. And besides, who needs salon beautiful hair to take care of a toddler all day?? Ah well, those lazy days are over. Perhaps this will lead to a new inspiration to do all sorts of take-care-of-me things, like exercise, buy new clothes, and wear make up. There may just be a "Silver Lining" to this gray hair fiasco! (Pardon the Pun!)

P.S. Hey Matty - You no longer have to be alone in your fight against premature baldness. We shall join forces and take a stand against these crazy genetics we've inherited!!