Thursday, May 11, 2006


I have to say, having a Blog has been so very therapeutic on so many levels. First, it has allowed me to keep a journal again, which was something I always had when younger, up until about the time I graduated college. Second, it has lead to a lot of positive feedback from people whose opinions matter to me. I like that; it's not something I was looking for when I started blogging. I just wanted to rant freely. But it's nice to hear words of encouragement. So, thanks, to all of you encouragers of mine out there! :)

So I've been thinking about this Group I'm involved in. I just keep wavering between letting them have their Power-Struggle Fest and going back to my peaceful life as a SAHM (who can find her own things to do when her husband is away) and staying to stick it through and show that I am good enough. I keep thinking of one person that I've always aspired to be like, since I started teaching. I don't know if she knows, but I always hoped to grow into a woman like her, and have her charm and skills and accomplishments. I mean, besides my mom, she's the woman I would say I admire the most professionally. Anyways, I'm not trying to be gushy. I just think now I can kind of relate to a situation I remember her being in when I was teaching with her. Someone wanted her position as President of the Union and they started coming to the meetings and really undermining her by reading rules out loud and telling her that the Board wasn't following them and turning people against her behind her back and all that nasty stuff that really parallels what I see going on with the Group I am in. But this lady I speak of really held her ground and let people know she was still in charge and that she had done a lot of good for everyone. She fought clean, and stuck it out to the end even though she was voted out by a minimal margin. I mean, think Bush vs. Kerry. But she didn't quit just because there was resistance, just letting the other person have their way. She stuck to the position because she wanted it too and believed in it. I can just imagine that I feel a lot like she might have, minus the feeling of being betrayed by people I had known nearly all my life. That part, I don't feel, and I can't imagine how she pulled through it. But she did. She's amazing.

Anyways, thinking back to that situation has given me a new mantra. I might feel uncomfortable fighting against someone who wants to have her way without compromise. I might have been told by my co-co-chair that she wants to nominate this lady and not me come election time. But if it comes down to a vote between me and this other lady, I will hold my ground. I will stick to the position I feel passionately about until the vote comes in. Because my new mantra is "WWND?" and that is what N. would do.


Blogger Sara said...

Stand your ground :) Glad you found a reflection for yourself and you are going to see it through. I understand your position, it is difficult to deal with (homeowner assoc are fun!) but you are a person who stands for what they believe in. That is something I aspire to.

Sunday, May 14, 2006 9:09:00 PM  

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