Friday, May 19, 2006

Thanks Doc!

This will be short and sweet, because I have lots to do before we leave this morning. Heading to VA for my Niece's First Communion. Should be fun; if the rain lets up there's supposed to be a trip to King's Dominion in there too...sans kidlets!!!

But the reason I have to post today is to extend a great thanks to whoever invented Doctors. James has been absolutely miserable for two weeks. So miserable that I knew it was more than the Terrible Two's or Teething. But what was it??? We were giving him Motrin for his slight fever & general warmth, and for any pain he might be in (in case it was teething), but that didn't help. He stopped sleeping through the night. He would get up in the morning (at 5;45 instead of his normal 7:30) after tossing and turning in our bed all night, only to insist on spending the morning in my lap. I'm talking ALL morning, like at least two hours. He was no longer interested in watching Blues Clues; the magical trance it induced no longer worked. When James doesn't want to watch Blues Clues, you know something is wrong. Because normally, no matter what you are watching, he brings you the remote, flashes his hands like Steve and says "Booos Coooos". Heh.

S o I took him to the doctor. Two weeks ago, I took him when we thought he had an ear infection. He didn't; it was teething. But if you knew how tolerant the kid was of his pain, you would have brought him in too. He had a Double Ear Infection and Pneumonia and we hardly knew it was there, we thought it was teething, until he reached a fever of 104 that wouldn't go away with Motrin. He just played like normal, pulling on his ears only during his bah-bah. SO, you can see how two weeks of a miserably sick James would make me worried. He just ISN'T like that when he's sick.

The doc checked him out. He asked what his symptoms were, and kind of gave me the "you're a crazy mom" feeling when I told him my baby just wasn't being himself. HE wasn't sleeping, he wasn't eating, he wasn't watching Blues Clues, he was sitting in my lap all day, etc... The doc was like "Yeah. Well does he have any PHYSICAL symptoms...fever, runny nose...?" Right. Duh! So I told him he did have a runny nose and was having sneezing fits and that morning he had finished breakfast and was playing and started to gag for no reason, like he was going to be sick. Guess what James has. Just guess.

Ok. You don't have to guess. James has allergies. The doctor gave him Claritin. I gave it to him when he got home; he took a 3 hour nap (instead of his 1.5 hour nap he had been doing for 2 weeks) And when he woke up, he played like the Old James. He ran around, he colored, he laughed. He never cried, until he got hungry. Then he ate!!! He even had juice in his Bah-Bah. An amazing accomplishment if you know James. He used to take one sip and if it wasn't milk, he'd look at you, laugh, and drop the bottle. I decided it's time to force the juice issue, because he just drinks too much milk. I heard that too much milk can make you congested, and I'm sure if you have allergies it can't be too good. And besides, he shouldn't drink only milk come summer time. He should be hydrated better than that.

This morning James woke up a happy baby after sleeping in his bed all night. When I came in his room, he grabbed his diaper and said "Poop". Something he had stopped doing in the past two weeks (using his words). I changed him, he got his Bah-Bah and gave him a Breakfast Bar and he is NORMAL! Yay!

Thank you Doc! I heart you 4-eva!!


Blogger deevahgrl said...

Usually I only grab my butt and say "poop" when I'm NOT feeling normal, so that was a surprise! I'm glad to hear James is all better. :)

Saturday, May 20, 2006 3:37:00 AM  

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