Monday, May 29, 2006

Wah, Wah, Wahhhh...

Lately I've been feeling this great Anti-Climaticnicity to my life. With the exception of the trip to VA, all the important events lately have just passed by...Mother's Day, My Birthday, My Big Hair (no pun intended) Appointment, Memorial Day...all just another day that no one even noticed.

On Mother's Day, I have to admit, it was so disappointing that I cried. My husband did give it a small effort, at least. He came home from overnight duty that morning with a card from him, a card from Baby James, and a bag of Peanut M&M (my favorite, so that was nice!). But that was followed by him going to Home Depot, working on the Bathroom Project, playing his online game , and ME making dinner, all while I took care of James. Needless to say, it wasn't much of an "Honor thy Mother" kind of day...and the kicker was when my Mom told me not to come visit her. Apparently she didn't feel the need to see me; she had other things to do...

My Birthday. Another sad sad day. I turned the big 29, which I feel is a remarkable moment in my life. A no-turning-back kind of birthday. This is my last year to be a youthful 20-something. And it was commemorated by my long drive back to CT form VA. Ok, so the night before, my S-I-L DID put candles in a cake and they sang to me. So there was that. At least SOMEONE thought of me! Ok, so did my Brother and his (Oh-So-Awesome!!) Girlfriend. They gave me a card and gifts (for Mother's Day AND my Birthday) before we left for VA. However, I really don't remember anything from my parents. I guess I shouldn't be acting as if I was looking for gifts; that's not the point, because Lord knows I am not the best at getting gifts to their recipients at the appropriate time. Take for instance, my In-Laws, who haven't yet received their B-Day cards or Gifts, and one was the same B-Day as mine; the other on the 27th. I did call, though, and tell them it was coming!! Anyways, it's not about the not getting anything; it's about the people closest to you not recognizing a date that you think is particularly important. Like when your husband doesn't get you a card. Or anything. Just makes me think that next year, when it's the real 3-0-oh-oh-uh-oh, that there will be nothing either.

Now, in my husband's defense he did arrange for me to be able to go get my hair permed on Friday. But when I got home, he didn't even notice!! Can you believe that? He literally told me that he didn't even notice!! And on Sunday when I went up to visit with my parents, they didn't notice either. Or maybe they did. And it's that bad. I mean, I don't think it is, it's exactly what I wanted, but maybe they don't like it.

And today was Memorial Day. Another long boring day at home. We were supposed to BBQ at my parents' house Sunday but Art had to come home to sleep for his new work schedule (another depressing part to my life - Art is now on Midnight Shift). So, not only did I miss out on going to see my friends because Art was home, we also had to nix plans for the Parents' BBQ because he had to sleep. I suppose that I could have come up to MA myself but I kinda felt like since it was the first weekend (and last one for a while) that I had to spend totally with Art, that I should do that. So here it is, Monday night at 8:00. James had a miserable day. I'm just waiting for him to finish his lollipop (I am so not above bribery for a few minutes of peace on a day like today...) so that I can ship him off to bed and have a Margarita. Another what should have been special day gone ka-put.

It's days like this that I miss my old life. The pre-marriage, pre-children life. Where I could have found a million things to do, all of them equally as fun as the next, on a long weekend. When Memorial day weekend meant that Summer was coming, and I had months of freedom ahead of me, all to myself. Now it's just a bunch of hot, boring days spent trying to keep James happy. Oh, but it's worth it to see him happy. Like when he played in his pool today. All smiles. Too cute, and not worth giving up for anything, not in a million years. If all my special days turn into duds from now till forever, I'd still be happy just having made James smile during the day.

So I guess the moral is that when you become a Mom (i.e. get old), people forget about you. You forget about you. And it's okay, as long as your baby is happy.


Blogger BonnieJean said...

I must say your a great mom! that little boy has everything and more.. and it does stink when poeple forget you and the important holidays.. for instance my bday.. Thank god for my loving boyfriend and his family.. i.e u, your mom,dad,art, matt and sara because you all made it so wonderful. Granted my sister did come and i loved it, but my mom was "to sick" to come and my dad forgot and didnt call (for the past 2 years). And then the only cake i got was from my aunt/dad in california while i was there.. Sweet sixteen.. nothing, graduation (26 cents from my mom) and nice gifts from you (thanks!!) and my siblings.. It sitnks when the important moments in my life pass and go unnoticed.. so i mean i totally understand where your coming from (and im not a mom).. But dont worry.. i dont forget important times lol.. (hope you liked ur card haha).. Andy and I will take you out soemtime.. maybe a night you come down we can go out for drinks or something.. that would be fun.. (i kinda miss u and james not coming down on fridays haha) i told andy to take another online course.. i dont see my siblings.. so its nice to see his lol..sorry i hope its ok :o)

Idk i guess my point is i totally understand how you are feeling. cheer up.. things will get better.. Enjoy 29 its really not so bad.. you have a beautiful little boy, a husband, and a house.. you are doing great! :o) Just enjoy every moment that you have....

p.s we should soo ogo to the beach sometime.. :o) <-- since your brother doesnt like to go..

Ok i gotta get going and shower. long day at work (another potential day off with family, ruined by work) byeee

Monday, May 29, 2006 6:56:00 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

i dont think i can say much besides 'that blows' so sorry to hear it Amy. Those closest to your heart are always suppose to gve you more and give you that extra. It is important and even if Art did redeem somewhat, it's still worth a chat. I dont know, I know things are important to me and I always make a point of saying something to my family, maybe that is selfish. My parents, well my mom still recognizes the holidays with us and that means the world to me, it has always kind of been a bummer that your mom doesnt send a card or something on mothers day, but matt says she never does. i dont think i will ever honestly get over it, hey but maybe i will. i know what you mean and i know i am terrible at remembering things with family.
also good luck with the contractors. lovely folks arent they? god be with you on that journey lol

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about Mother's Day...I thought that I was doing something nice, not making you run up here and thinking that you would have a restful family day with Art and James. Go figure...

Sara is right, I do not send Mother's Day cards. I do call though and wish you a Happy Mother's Day. I would rather do something nice like babysit or help you all out in some way. My reactions and the things that I do come from the heart. I hate doing something just for show or recognition.

I love you all very much and only want to make you happy.

Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:26:00 PM  

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