Hey Jealousy
A friend of mine introduced me to a whole new world the other day. The world of widgets. Unfortunately for me, she has a MAC. I have a PC. (Puh-lease, as if my Computer Geek of a husband would "let" me have a MAC, despite how badly I want to be like Carrie Bradshaw.) MAC has this new platform called a "Dashboard", which I gather is like their new version of Windows. It comes complete with awesome choices for all these widgets. She has widgets for Graphic Design (her field of work), Sudoku, Astrology...all these cool things. Well, I checked for widgets for the PC. They're a pretty lame comparison! Needless to say, I am actually jealous for the first time of a MAC owner.
I do still recommend checking out the "Widget World", even if you are a PC user. If you devote time to it, you can set up some pretty neat little widgets for your IPOD and the Weather and what-not. It gives us SAHM's something to do, you know, instead of eating Bon-bons all day.