Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Wow! It's Better Than the Zodiac!

The Maid of Honor
Deliberate Gentle Love Master (DGLMf)

Appreciated for your kindness and envied for all your experience, you are The Maid of Honor.

Charismatic, affectionate, and terrific in relationships, you are what many guys would call a "perfect catch"--and you probably have many admirers, each wishing to capture your long-term love. You're careful, extra careful, because the last thing you want is to hurt anyone. Especially some poor boy whose only crime was liking you.

Your exact opposite:

Random Brutal Sex Dreamer
We've deduced you're fully capable of a dirty fling, but you do feel that post-coital attachment after hooking up. So, conscientious person that you are, you do your best to reserve physical affection for those you you can respect yourself.

Your biggest negative is the byproduct of your careful nature: indecision. You're just as slow rejecting someone as you are accepting them.

ALWAYS AVOID: The False Messiah, The 5-Night Stand, The Vapor Trail, The Bachelor

CONSIDER: The Gentleman, someone just like you.

Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating.
My profile name: gypsy726

Monday, March 27, 2006

Good To Go

Sometimes you just have to step back and remember to appreciate life.
I used to teach High School. My friend A. and her mother told me the other day about a student that had a heart attack and passed away. Now, I never had this student. But I think that being a Mom has changed me because I still got teary-eyed thinking about his life and his family. I just can't imagine having hopes and dreams for my son and getting a call one day that ends it all. See, even right now my eyes are watering. To have to make the decision to pull the plug on my son's life is something I hope that I NEVER have to come remotely close to experiencing.

Ever since my Sisiter-In-Law lost her Brother-In-Law, only a couple of weeks ago, I have relaly been trying to find things in life to be grateful for. Lucky for me, John Corbett (of Northern Exposure & Sex In The City fame) just released a song that makes it easy for me to put my feelings into words. I can't hear htis song without crying, because in my head I am thinking of all the moments that have made my life mine. So, let me share with you my newest favorite song. You should really hear it to get the best out of it, but maybe reading the words will make you want to download the song.

This is for all those who need a reason to smile about life.

Good To Go
by John Corbett

Waitin' at a stoplight yesterday,
As a funeral procession made its way
Through the gates,
I watched it roll up a windin' road,
Through a field of green with white headstones
All in a row.
And it made me think about where I'm at,
On my not-so-straight-and-narrow path,
All the generous and mostly undeserved blessings that I've had
Had an all American mom and dad,
Some of the coolest friends you could ever have,
Found love I thought I'd never find.
I can't believe this life is mine
An' I'm not plannin' on leavin' yet,
But the truth is you just never know.
And if this is as good as it gets,
Man, I think I'm good to go.
I said a prayer for the dearly departed,
And the loved ones, left broken-hearted
An' traffic started
I drove away a little more able
To see the good things on my table.
For that, I'm grateful
Cause I've had my troubles,
I've had my trials,
I've hit the mark and I've missed by miles.
Had days when I've been fightin' mad,
But the goodtimes have more than outweighed the bad.
Got to hold my newborn baby girl,
And the hand of a man as he slipped from this world.
I've laughed so hard I couldn't stop;
Seen the sunrise from a mountain top.
An' I'm not plannin' on leavin' yet,
But the truth is you just never know.
And if this is as good as it gets,
Man, I think I'm good to go.
I've been thinkin' 'bout where I'm at,
On my not so straight and narrow path,
And I wouldn't wantta change nothin' about this
Roll-With-the-Punches life I've had.
Had an all american Mom and Dad,
Some of the coolest friends
That you could ever have,
Found love I thought I'd never find.
I can't believe this life is mine.
An' I'm not plannin' on leavin' yet,
But the truth is you just never know.
And if this is as good as it gets,
Man, I think I'm good to go.

Monday, March 20, 2006

New Week, Old Thoughts

Lots of the same old stuff has been running through my head lately. I feel like although they are disconnected, I should still give each a silent nod and a blurb.

Every time I think about the Family Support Group, my stomach gets tied up in knots. I am worried about not doing enough. I am worried about doing too much, seeming too pushy. I am worried that other people may not want me in the position I have taken, and that all my dreams will be crushed come election time. And not to mention "Wifey" (formerly known as SCBF). She adds fuel to the fire because I worry about what she has concocted and dragged me into every time she calls. I worry that it will all somehow become my fault and I will get blamed for everything if anything goes wrong...

Friends have always been a sticky subject for me. Most of the time, I feel like I don't have enough, or at least enough close ones. Sometimes I feel like I am spreading myself too thin, trying to be everyone's friend. That's how I feel right now. In my never-ending search for an eternal friend, I have made many arrangements with many people. All of whom I am happy to be spending time with. But I forget sometimes that I am a mommy now. I can't just up-and-make plans without thinking of James first. This has led to some exhausting days, trying to get too much done and keep James happy in between the running here and there to visit/hang out with various people. I am such a Gemini! Always flitting about, never happy to be in one place, but always longing to find one place to stay. *Sigh*

One thing that stresses me more than not having friends is having my family. I love 'em, I really do. I couldn't have made it this far in life without my family having molded me into the person I've become, and accepting me for it. That being said, I think I may shoot myself come mid-July. What was I thinking when I agreed to a family vacation to Florida???? As if the heat, humidity, and crowds isn't enough by itself, I will be making this venture alone, baby in tow, without my husband! Just me and my parents and brothers. Everyone knows how family trips go. The chaos has already started, and it's only March! If the Family Support Group doesn't give me and ulcer, then this trip will! Mostly, it's the worry that my parents feel that they have to shoulder the monetary burden for everything on the trip. Every time I mention something I want to do, or that my brothers, S-I-L and I have thought would be fun, I get a lecture about how much it costs and how they can't afford to pay for everyone to do that. I keep telling them (mom especially) that it's not their job to pay for everything, that we have been saving money for this for a long time and want to pay for ourselves. But it's not getting through to them! Mom, if you read this, pay attention! You don't HAVE to worry about paying! We got it covered!!!

I need to post pics of new crafts and knitting I've done. And James. I have to make a special blog for James so that everyone can see his pics without having to download them. Stay tuned for that project.

Gotta go tackle some Yoga now. Have to stay on track for the Fatty Challenge.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Workout, Schmerkout

I can't get off my fat lazy butt.
The left side cushion of my couch is severely worn out.
I have a real problem here.
I REALLY need to get myself in shape. I want to win the Family Fatty Challenge. I have lost 10 lbs. Well, it may have gone back down to 9 after yesterdays Belgian Waffle, Chinese Food & Girl Scout Cookies. But still, 9 lbs in 4 weeks is pretty darn good for someone approaching 30. It doesn't excuse the fact that I need to exercise, however. What good is losing 30 lbs for the summer when your body just hangs there because all you've managed to do is lose fat, and not gain muscle? Now, I know I'll never make it to the size 8 my S-I-L already is, but a fit and trim size 14 is ok for me!

I'm never going to get there at this rate though. My obsession with Online Poker is dragging me down! Let me put it out there that before I began playing for $$, I did do my research. I compiled my own study file from various Hold 'Em websites. I studied that stuff for a week, while letting my $20 Bodog deposit clear so that when I win, I can take the money right out. I am not bragging when I say this, I am simply letting you know that much to my houses' and my body's detriment, my studying has paid off. Just last night I doubled my $20, even considering the fact that I took $10 in the middle to play the stupid-yet-so-addictive Video Poker. Right now, I am playing as I type this (WAYYYY against my previous postings suggestions, I know! But I'm just so darned pressed for time I have to do it, just this once!) and I am up $8. I am about to quit because I want to get in the shower (even though I never did exercise...stupid stupid stupid!!) so that I am ready to go to the 'rents when the baby wakes up.

BTW, in my own defense, I did bathe and feed the baby, vacuum the house, empty and reload the Dishwasher, and sweep and mop the Kitchen floor before sitting down to play. All I have to do now is do the cat litter before I go. So the day isn't totally wasted.

A Poker Tip of the Day (I'm no Professional, but this has worked for me so far):

Don't be afraid to fold. Ever. Even if it's just you and the Big Blind guy, give him back his $0.50 or whatever. You don't have to stay in out of spite just because no one else did. It's not a big deal if he gets his Blind back, really. Also, if you've gone for a longshot and it comes to the River and you just didn't make it, you CAN fold. That saves you at least another two Big Blinds, if you think about the money you'd be betting in the showdown. Those two hands could be your big winners.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

A Decision...

I've really been giving this a lot of thought...

I don't want to be petty and spiteful. I want to come to terms with the fact that there will always be people in my life who need to feel more important than me. I want to remember that I am NOT a competitive person by nature. I want to enjoy my life, and participate in things that make me feel good for the intrinsic value they bring, not because I beat someone else to the punch. Most of you know the situation I'm referring to. If you don't, I'd rather not get into it now, as I've decided to recant my posts about it and move on like a big girl. It's time to forget what other people think, especially people whose opinions are worthless (don't be spiteful...don't be spiteful) and do what I want for my own happiness.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A Workout Playlist (Copyright: CimySweet Enterprises)

Ok, so maybe you can't Copyright a Playlist.

But I am going to share it with you. This is a modified version of the playlist that keeps me going on the Gazelle. My trick is to add new songs to the list every week, so that it keeps my workout interesting. (Lord knows the Gazelle isn't the most dynamic workout in the world.) Sometimes I buy new music. Sometimes I just add a song I forgot I had on my computer. It's a list that works better for Women, but I'll try to provide alternates to the girly songs.

I suggest having at least 20 songs in a Workout Playlist. That should be about an hour's worth of music, given 3 minutes per song. I'm not saying you need to work out that long. I do 20 minutes, and having an hour of songs to flip through means I can skip those songs that don't appeal to me on a particular day.

Ok, here's the list, in no specifc order of suggested play, with alternates in ():

I'm Beautiful - Bette Midler (Fuel - Metallica)
My Life - Billy Joel
I Don't Want To Be - Bo Bice (NOT the "OC" Version)
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
Hollaback Girl - Gwen Stefani (The Rockafeller Skank - Fatboy Slim)
These Boots Are Made For Walkin' - Jessica Simpson (no alternate needed- guys can fanatasize during this song)
Good To Go - John Corbett
Rock Your Body - Justin Timberlake (Bawitaba - Kid Rock)
Call Me Al - Paul Simon
Kiss - Prince
Don't Cha - Pussycat Dolls (again, no alternate necessary for guys)
Buckin' My Horse - Sir Mix-a-Lot
Something To Be Proud Of - Montgomery Gentry
Help Somebpdy - Van Zant
Switch - Will Smith
Come Clean - Hillary Duff
You Can Do It - Ice Cube
Gold Digger - Kanye West
Hung Up - Madonna
Beverly HIlls - Weezer
That's it, folks! Now go exercise all those Girl Scout Cookies off! I know you ate some!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Multi-tasking & Online Poker

There are a lot of things you can do during those folded hands of Online Poker.

I, love... to knit. Since I discovered my new addiction to Online Poker, my net knit output (say that ten times fast!!) has increased significantly. I have made my mother and my son a scarf (each; not to share...heehee). I am finally finishing a poncho I have meant to send to a friend since January. And I am starting a special project for a new mommy and baby-to-be. You know who you are... Soon I will be able to start on a collection for an Online Store and some Craft Fairs.

(FYI: I am not very gung-ho about the idea of knitting to sell. But since I started a business last year that I claimed sales taz for, I had to report my losses. Which means I am kinda committed to trying to run the business for 3 years to show that I didn't give up. Otherwise, all the money I got back in losses on my taxes can be taken away for my lack of effort. *Sigh* How depressing to have an idea you think is going to be sooo cool, only to not sell a darn thing, and then find out you have to keep failing just to claim the losses. Ah well. It's been fun, going to Craft Fairs and meeting other vendors, at least.)

I love to read Blogs. My favorite(s) are those written by friends. Right now, I really only have one (old and dear) friend that blogs consistently. So you need to get cracking, people! Join the blog revolution!
I also surf around a bit. Here's a blog I found that gave me a small thrill, as he was one of my very first "Celebrity" Crushes. Wil Wheaton. *Sigh* Sooooo dreamyyyyy. Here's the link. Give it a look-sie.

You can, of course, do the classic checking e-mail. That usually doesn't take me much time. I don't know about you, but not many people send me novels to read everyday. What usually happens is I end up opening an email from a store or what-not and I get stuck roaming their website wishing I could afford to buy something. If only Online Poker were something I was good enough at to earn the money to buy from those stores.

It keeps you in check. You're less likely to put more money in the game if you've just checked your account and had a heart attack over how much you've "invested" in your hobby. Also, you can beat your partner to the bank account and do the updates before THEY realize how much you've invested. Definitely a plus.

Pretty much a no-brainer if you are like me and use a laptop computer w/ a wireless internet connection. If you don't have that advantage, then put on some tunes or read a book.

Sometimes I alternate between this and knitting. I play a lot of my Poker on Bodog. So, I use their Online Casino. I usually purchase $2.00 worth of chips and go to it on the Nickel Machines. My favorite is Deuces Wild. If I lose, it's nothing I can't win back at Poker.

There are, of course, some things you shouldn't do while playing Online Poker.

For two reasons:

1. You get too involved in typing to keep track of the game.

2. If you have the game set to pop-up when it's your turn, you end up typing half of your email or blog in the chat screen on the Poker Site. Been there, done that.

I lost $3.00 today (out of $4.50) trying to talk on the phone and play. You can't stop talking when the folded hand is over. So you end up trying to play and talk. Not good. There's something about trying to concentrate on thinking about possible combinations of opponent's hands and listening to someone talk about something important that just doesn't go together.

That's it, folks. Your guide to guilt-free gambling. Now you can always be doing something important while playing. No one will ever be able to say you're wasting your time. :)

Monday, March 06, 2006

What I'll Be Doing This Weekend

Well, folks. It's official. I was scared sh**less by a movie last night. And so was my husband.

Probably because the movie is supposed to be based on a true story. I am going to investiate it online today to see just how true.

Last night we watched The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Holy Canoli! I thought it was supposed to be a movie based on the idea that Exorcisms are a Catholic myth and that the movie was about prosecuting the priest for neglecting medical signs. WRONG!

The movie is about Demons and God and Exorcisms being real. If you haven't seen it, I won't ruin it for you. But I for one will be at church this Sunday redeeming my soul.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

My Name is Amy, and I'm and Addict

I have a problem.

About a week-and-a-half ago, I won a "large sum" of money on a scratch ticket. My husband and I decided maturely to first pay off our credit card, and then split the rest to play. I am putting $100 in my son's bank account. The rest will go towards two things: a sewing machine...and to feed my addiction.
If you knew my maiden name, you would have no doubt what my addiciton is. Perhaps the fact that I won this money on a scratch ticket gives you a hint. I like to gamble. I think it is fun. I have never used money to gamble that should have gone to diapers, or food, or any bills. But deciding to put some of my wins on Bodog was an EXTREMELY BAD idea. First, I lost all that money. Let's just say it was a big blow, considering that at one point I had won more than all of it back. When I was down to my last $5 I decided to learn to play Texas Hold 'em (the right way - not just for goofing at family functions). I've become quite good - I've been studying the rules and tricks, and really reading my opponents. But for the life of me, I can't walk away!!! Somebody needs to come steal my laptop and force me to perform my housewife-ly duties!! My vow to win all my losses back is going to put my house into shambles...