Affirmations of Myself...And A Contest for YOU!
Yes, you, my readers! I have a contest for you. I have 5 Songs that contain lines that I find to be Affirmations of Myself; either the Me I am , or the Me I Hope To Become in my next life.
If you are the 1st Person that can name all the Songs and their Artist, I'll Gift You a song from ITunes. Even if you don't know me, feel free to play. I'm good for it, I swear! Deadline is Monday AM, when I get up and check the blog. Could be 7 AM, could be 9 AM. That's part of the excitement.
This will be fun!
Affirmation #1
"Well, I woke up one morning, flossed my teeth and decided: Damn! I'm fierce! "
Affirmation #2
"If I shake your hand and look you in the eye, you can bet your ass it'll be the truth."
Affirmation #3
"I feel no shame, I'm proud of where I came from..."
Affirmation #4
"Why am I so soft in the middle; the rest of my life is so hard..."
Affirmation #5
"Startin' today I'm someone I'd be proud to know."
HINT: I heart Country.
While we're talking Affirmations of Self, I have some advice for people out there. Just because you make note of a certain flaw you possess, it doesn't give you free reign to act upon that flaw. For example, just because I know that I have an issue with being late doesn't mean I don't make it a point to TRY DESPERATELY to show up on time for things. And, when I am late, I do not say "Hey, that's just who I am, I'm always late."
It's kinda like when kids think that saying "Excuse Me" gives them permission to interrupt you. I know, I know, they're only little and they (for the most part) know not what they do. But there are a few who abuse the idea.
Having faults is human. Having faults is a reason you act a certain way, not an excuse for it. When you are self-aware enough to know what your faults are, you should work to overcome them. Don't announce them and hone them as a skill, please.